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How to Tint Your Eyebrows

December 31, 2013

The easiest and inexpensive way to tint your brows at home! There are brow tinting kits that you can purchase specifically for this, but when I saw one at my local beauty supply store for $40, I said hell to the nawl! Get the same results with demipermanent hair color and I’ll show you how!

This method is not meant to be super dramatic but will help fill in any gaps/holes in your brows are make them appear fuller and darker for those of you like me that already have dark brows. The same technique can be used for all complexions/hair colors. For instance someone with blonde/very light brows wanting to go dark brown or red, then you would see a dramatic difference. Hope this helps! Thanks for watching!

If you’ve never used color at home please please PLEASE do a patch test first for allergy!
How to perform a patch test

You may not notice a huge difference but the proof is in the pudding guys!! If you’d like to see more before and after photos and a step by step instruction on how I did this please visit my blog

Thank you Loretta Grace for the amazing music!

Stay in touch for more makeup tips and looks!
Instagram: @LilPumpkinPie05


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